2020 SW'로 알려진 이 소행성은 길이 10m, 폭 5m 크기로 지구 표면에서 2만2천㎞까지 접근한다.
지구 3만6천㎞ 상공에서 지구 자전주기에 맞춰 돌고 있는 정지 위성들보다 더 가까이 접근 하지만
지구와 위성 사이가 아니라 위성 궤도 아래로 지나간다.

Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW is a Near Earth Object. If you've heard news about a potential impact of this asteroid with the Earth, please check out Will Asteroid Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW Impact Earth?.
Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW is currently in the constellation of Virgo. The current Right Ascension of Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW is 13h 10m 40s and the Declination is +00° 20’ 07” (topocentric coordinates computed for the selected location: Greenwich, United Kingdom [change]). The current magnitude of Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW is 29.66 (JPL).
Summary of key facts about Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW [tip: you can also create a Quick Access page for this data if you access it frequently and would like to have a simpler view]:
Right Ascension13h 10m 40s
Declination+00° 20’ 07”
2020 SW is above the horizon from Greenwich, United Kingdom [change].
It is visible looking in the South-West direction at an altitude of 26° above the horizon.
Given its current magnitude, 2020 SW is visible only through long exposure photography.
See also 2020 SW rise and set times.
Go to interactive sky chart
If you need to access this information frequently for your observations, you can create a simple customized Quick Access page, so that you can easily bookmark it in your browser favorites or add a shortcut to your mobile phones' home screen.
Additional information about Asteroid (NEO) 2020 SW available on TheSkyLive:
괘도 일지

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